Start a Middle School Chapter
What are the Benefits of Starting a SkillsUSA New Mexico Chapter at my Middle School?
SkillsUSA New Mexico helps students excel by implementing an organizational framework rooted in three areas: personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics.
Our middle school programming allows students to focus on career exploration, while also developing their self-esteem, leadership, and teamwork abilities. Additionally, starting a chapter at your school provides students with the opportunity to learn about local Career and Technical Education programs, and how this pathway will guide them towards a successful future. Middle school members are encouraged to participate in 2 SkillsUSA New Mexico competitive events (one leadership and one technical).
Below is a list of the contests that are currently offered for Middle School Competitors. Additional contests like Team Engineering, Woodworking, CO2 Dragster are being developed. Let us know what you are interested in!
- Exploratory Career and Technical Showcase
- Job Demonstration A
- Job Demonstration Open
- Opening & Closing Ceremonies
- Outstanding Chapter
- Pin Design
- Robotics Urban Search and Rescue
Exploratory Career and Technical Showcase
After exploring various career clusters, students are given the opportunity to exhibit their journey towards mastering a particular skill. Each student will create a display board (a tri-fold science board) that illustrates the evolution of their project, and how it relates to applied learning & academics.
Contact SkillsUSA New Mexico leadership team for contest guidelines.
Education Resources
Utilizing SkillsUSA Education Resources in your classroom and chapter meetings will help empower students to become world-class workers, leaders, and responsible American citizens. All resources are turnkey, allowing teachers to easily bring SkillsUSA into their classroom and/or after school programming.
What do schools that integrate SkillsUSA curricula offer you? Students become a well-rounded, well-trained college-and-career-ready student, who is prepared to not just satisfy demands, but exceed expectations.
*Eligible for Middle School Student Competitors

Use this Checklist to Start a SkillsUSA New Mexico Chapter at Your Middle School
- Connect with the SkillsUSA New Mexico leadership team for informational guides.
- Meet with your school administrator to request permission to start a new program and gain support for your SkillsUSA New Mexico chapter.
- Identify your Chapter Advisor and their position roles.
- Commit to hosting at least to chapter meetings a month.
- Select your first meeting date and build excitement and awareness throughout your school.
- Recruit and maintain a minimum of 8 student members.
- Create a login and register your chapter online at
- Contact SkillsUSA New Mexico to access education resources.
- Host your first chapter meeting.