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State Leadership & Skills Conference (SLSC)

March 26-29, 2025 

The SkillsUSA New Mexico Championships are competitive events that showcase the best career and technical education students in the state. The philosophy of the Championships is to reward students for excellence, to involve industry in directly evaluating student performance, and to keep training relevant to employers’ needs.

SkillsUSA New Mexico state competitions begin in the classroom. Teachers design in-house contests based on technical standards designed by industry members and provided by the SkillsUSA New Mexico leadership team.

Depending on the contest, the top 1-3 students from each classroom will move on to compete at the state level. The state gold medalist for each competition moves on to represent SkillsUSA New Mexico at the National Skills and Leadership Conference.

Conference Registration Opens: February 1, 2025

Conference Registration Closes: March 1, 2025

Do you need financial support for SLSC? We are here to help! SkillsUSA New Mexico will be disbursing around $60,000 (total) to all of our chapters across the state for the 2023-2024 year. Submissions will be reviewed by the SkillsUSA NM State Office. We will work directly with your school to determine the best way to process funding, which must be spent by May 15, 2024. Funding will be awarded based on need and may not be used to purchase food or meals directly.

The Chapter Excellence Program (CEP) recognizes achievement as it relates to the integration of the SkillsUSA Framework in the chapter program of work activities. As a chapter’s yearly action plan, the program of work is at the heart of student learning and employability development. All chapters that submit a CEP application and achieve “Quality Chapter”, “Chapter of Distinction” or “Models of Excellence” will be recognized. All chapters that submit a Chapter Funding Application AND a CEP application and achieve CEP recognition will be awarded an additional amount on their Chapter Funding award.

The flaming torch in our emblem reflects the light of knowledge, which dispels the darkness of ignorance. In the light of the torch, progress will be made toward the vocational goals of the individual. The objective of this award is to recognize career and technical educators and administrators in addition to full-time classroom/laboratory teachers, who have provided or currently are providing significant contributions to SkillsUSA and career and technical education programs for youth and/or adults in their fields, communities, and/or the State of New Mexico. Recipients of this award must have made significant contributions toward innovative, unique and novel programs; and/or improvement, promotion, research or development of programs of career and technical education.

A SkillsUSA New Mexico State Officer is a role intended to serve the members of SkillsUSA New Mexico. Officers are not only the face of the organization but are the back bone behind each conference throughout the year.  This is a commitment that will require a great deal of time and effort during the summer of 2022 and the following school year.  As representatives of SkillsUSA New Mexico, it is imperative that you read through the application information as it pertains to policies and procedures that will be carried out.

Mark your calendars! Future SLSC Dates: March 26-29, 2025

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Funding for this website was made possible by New Mexico Public Education Department and the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).

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