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Chapter Excellence Program

The Chapter Excellence Program (CEP) recognizes achievement as it relates to the integration of the SkillsUSA Framework in chapter program of work activities. As a chapter’s yearly action plan, the program of work is at the heart of student learning and employability development. By using the Framework as a guide, chapters have a blueprint for creating relevant activities that encourage participation and foster an understanding of student learning attained during each activity. The Framework’s focus on intentional learning turns the program of work into more than just a planning tool. Using the Framework, the program of work becomes the vital conduit that links students to the application of personal, workplace and technical skills demanded by industry. The SkillsUSA trifecta for student success!

Chapter Excellence Program Winners

Congratulations to

Deming High School




Learn Why CEP is the Best Way to
Build a Successful SkillsUSA Chapter!

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Funding for this website was made possible by New Mexico Public Education Department and the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).

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