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New Mexico CTE Award Application is Open!

Deadline: Friday, January 19th! Nominate yourself or one of your colleagues! Applications are available on the Google Form and are due FRIDAY, JANUARY 19th! Help us honor the outstanding teachers, counselors, and administrators in New Mexico who do so much for Career Technical Education! Click on the Application Link:

Apply for the NMACTE Fellowship Program!

Deadline: Friday, January 19th! Apply to be in the upcoming second cohort of the NMACTE Fellowship Program! This opportunity was designed for CTE Educators within New Mexico to further the development of their leadership skills; gain a deeper understanding of each state’s CTE structure, history, funding, and delivery of training; and to increase participation in […]

Career Technical Education (CTE) Day at the Roundhouse

New Mexico State Capitol 411 S Capitol St, Santa Fe, United States

Career Technical Education Advocacy Roundhouse Day Training gives students the chance to become more knowledgeable about the workings of their state government. In addition, student leaders showcase their local chapters’ achievements and program successes. Dates: -Sunday, January 21 | 6:00-7:30 pm | Advocacy Workshop for Members -Monday, January 22 | All Day | CTSO Day […]

NMACTE Socials

NMACTE is excited to bring professionals from across the state together to discuss what is important to you! Meet others from around NM in your same division to share ideas, and learn the latest in CTE news with updates & highlights! JOIN ZOOM MEETING: MEETING ID: 831 5060 3304 PASSCODE: 123456 DIAL-IN NUMBER: +1 […]

NMACTE Socials

NMACTE is excited to bring professionals from across the state together to discuss what is important to you! Meet others from around NM in your same division to share ideas, and learn the latest in CTE news with updates & highlights! JOIN ZOOM MEETING: MEETING ID: 831 5060 3304 PASSCODE: 123456 DIAL-IN NUMBER: +1 […]

SkillsUSA New Mexico State Leadership and Skills Conference (SLSC)

CNM & Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North

SkillsUSA New Mexico State Leadership and Skills Conference (SLSC) Website Link: Hotel Information: Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North 5151 San Francisco Rd NE Albuquerque, NM 87109

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Funding for this website was made possible by New Mexico Public Education Department and the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).

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