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Total Participation Plan Membership Registration Deadline

Deadline to register your school or district in the Total Participation Plan (TPP). The SkillsUSA Total Participation Plan (TPP) allows eligible students who are enrolled in technical, skilled and service occupations, including health occupations, to participate in SkillsUSA as an integral part of their education. That means your entire classroom, school or school district can […]

CTE Day at the Roundhouse – 2023 Legislative Session

Stay Tuned!  Details TBD.  The New Mexico Legislative Session starts Tuesday, January 17th and runs through Friday, March 18th at noon.  The CTE Day at the Roundhouse will fall in between that timeline. Career Technical Education (CTE) Day at the Roundhouse gives students the chance to become more knowledgeable about the workings of their state […]

SkillsUSA NM State Membership Registration Closes

In order to compete in the State Leadership and Skills Conference (SLSC) in April, you must be in good standing as a member.  Please register at:

SkillsUSA NM State Leadership and Skills (SLSC) Conference

The SkillsUSA New Mexico State Leadership and Skills Conference (SLSC) will be held April 13 – 15, 2023 in Albuquerque.  The event includes several leadership development opportunities and competitive events showcasing the best career and technical education students in the nation. Contests begin locally and continue through the state and national levels. Not all national competitions are available […]

SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference

Annual national conference in Atlanta, GA.  Details TBD.  Competitors must arrive some time on Monday, June 19th to attend orientations and possible testing beginning for all competitions on June 20th.  A state meeting to review logistics and expectations will be held the evening of Monday, June 19th.

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Funding for this website was made possible by New Mexico Public Education Department and the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).

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